3 /**
 4  * @Encapsulation testing java OOP - LAB2
 5  * @author Amila
 6  */
 7 public class Encaps {
 8     /**
 9      * @param args the command line arguments
10      */
11     public static void main(String[] args) {
12         Student nalaka = new Student();
13         setStudent(nalaka,"Nalaka",35,67,true);
14         DisplayStudent(nalaka);
16         Student janith = new Student();
17         setStudent(janith,"Janith",38,58,true);
18         DisplayStudent(janith);        
19     }
21     private static void setStudent(Student s,String name,int age,int marks,boolean isMale){
22         s.setName(name);
23         s.setAge(age);
24         s.setMarks(marks);
25         s.setisMail(isMale);
26     }
27     private static void DisplayStudent(Student s){
28         String sex;
29         if (s.getisMail())
30             sex="Male";
31         else
32             sex="Female";
34         System.out.println("\n=================================="+
35                 "\nStudent Name: "+ s.getName() +
36                 "\nStudent Age: "+s.getAge()+
37                 "\nStudent Marks: "+s.getMarks()+
38                 "\nStudent Sex: "+sex+
39                 "\n==================================");
40     }    
41 }
42 class Student{
44     private static int count=0;
45     private String Name;
46     private int Age;
47     private int Marks;
48     private boolean isMale;
50     public Student(){
51         this.count++;
52         System.out.println("\nStudent count is "+ this.count);
53     }
54     public void setName(String name){
55         this.Name=name;
56     }
57     public String getName(){
58         return this.Name;
59     }
60     public void setAge(int age){
61         this.Age=age;
62     }
63     public int getAge(){
64         return this.Age;
65     }    
66      public void setMarks(int marks){
67         this.Marks=marks;
68     }
69     public int getMarks(){
70         return this.Marks;
71     }      
72     public void setisMail(boolean Mail){
73         this.isMale=Mail;
74     }  
75     public boolean getisMail(){
76         return this.isMale;
77     }  

<header><title>Marks Calculator</title>
 -moz-border-radius: 10px;
 border-radius: 10px;
    border:solid 2px #D7DFEA;


<form name="myForm" method="get">

 <div style="padding:50px;">
 <h2>Marks Calculator</h2>
 <div width="50%" style="float: left;padding:50px;background-color:#EEEEEE;height: 100%;">
   <input type="text" name="lab1" class="txt" value="0" maxlength="20" required>100%
   <input type="text" name="lab2" class="txt" value="0" maxlength="20" required>100%
   <input type="text" name="lab3" class="txt" value="0" maxlength="20" required>100%
   <input type="text" name="tma1" class="txt" value="0" maxlength="20" required>100%
   <input type="text" name="oq1" class="txt" value="0" maxlength="20" required>100%
   <input type="text" name="mp1" class="txt" value="0" maxlength="20" required>100%
 <div width="50%" style="float: left;padding:50px;background-color:#EEEEEE;height: 100%;"> 
  CA:<br/><div id="ca_print" onclick="calculate_ca()" title="Click to calculate CA" style="background-color:#FF9900;width:150px;font-size:20px;padding:5px;color:#fff;cursor: pointer;" align="center">Click here to Calculate CA</div><br/>
  <div id="eligiblility" style="background-color:#FF9900;width:150px;font-size:20px;padding:5px;color:#fff;" align="center">eligiblility</div>
  <input type="text" id="febox" class="txt" disabled>100%
  <div id="finalz" onclick="final_z()" title="Click to calculate Z" style="background-color:#FF9900;width:150px;font-size:20px;padding:5px;color:#fff;cursor: pointer;" align="center">Click here to Calculate Final Z</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
 document.getElementById("febox").disabled = true;
 function calculate_ca() {
    //Make variables
 var lab1 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["lab1"].value);
 var lab2 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["lab2"].value);
 var lab3 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["lab2"].value);
 var tma1 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["tma1"].value);
 var oq1 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["oq1"].value);
 var mp1 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["mp1"].value);
 //start validate 0-100 marks
 if (0>=lab1 || lab1>=100){
  alert("Error! :Lab1 should be in between 0-100");
  return false;
 if (0>=lab2 || lab2>=100){
  alert("Error! :Lab2 should be in between 0-100");
  return false;
 if (0>=lab3 || lab3>=100){
  alert("Error! :Lab3 should be in between 0-100");
  return false;
 if (0>=tma1 || tma1>=100){
  alert("Error! :TMA1 should be in between 0-100");
  return false;
 if (0>=oq1 || oq1>=100){
  alert("Error! :OQ1 should be in between 0-100");
  return false;
 if (0>=mp1 || mp1>=100){
  alert("Error! :MP1 should be in between 0-100");
  return false;
 //End Validate
 var slab;
 var sblab;
 //make slab.sblab
 if (lab1 > lab2)
  slab = lab1;
  slab = lab2;
 if (lab2 > lab3)
  sblab = lab2;
  sblab = lab3; 
 //CA Marks = (OQ*0.1 + TMA*0.2 + Avg(BLAB+SBLAB)*0.3 + MP*0.4) *100 %
 var ca = (oq1*0.1 + tma1*0.2 + ((slab+sblab)/3)*0.3 + mp1*0.4);
 //Round Integer print
 document.getElementById("ca_print").innerHTML = Math.round(ca);
 //Eligibility criteria is : {OQ*0.1 + TMA*0.2 + Avg(BLAB+SBLAB)*0.3 + MP*0.4} >= 0.4 And MP>=0.4
 if (ca >= 40 && mp1 >= 40)
  document.getElementById("eligiblility").innerHTML = "Pass";
  document.getElementById("eligiblility").style.backgroundColor = '#12BA5C';
  document.getElementById("febox").disabled = false;
  document.getElementById("eligiblility").innerHTML = "Fail";
  document.getElementById("eligiblility").style.backgroundColor = '#CD0100';

 function final_z(){
 var lab1 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["lab1"].value);
 var lab2 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["lab2"].value);
 var lab3 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["lab2"].value);
 var tma1 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["tma1"].value);
 var oq1 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["oq1"].value);
 var mp1 = parseInt(document.forms["myForm"]["mp1"].value);
 var ca = (oq1*0.1 + tma1*0.2 + ((lab1+lab2+lab3)/3)*0.3 + mp1*0.4); 
 var fe = parseInt(document.getElementById("febox").value); 
 var z=0;
 if (fe > 40)
   z = (ca * 0.5) + (fe * 0.5);
  z = fe;

 var result=0;
  if (z >= 85){
   result = "A+";
  }else if (75<= z && z <85){
   result = "A";
  }else if (70<= z && z <75){
   result = "A-";   
  }else if (63<= z && z <70){
   result = "B+";
  }else if (55<= z && z<63){
   result = "B";
  }else if (50<= z && z<55){
   result = "B-";
  }else if (45<= z && z<50){
   result = "C+";
  }else if (40<= z && z<45){
   result = "C";
  }else if (35<= z && z<40){
   result = "C-";
  }else if (30<= z && z<35){
   result = "D+";
  }else if (20<= z && z<30){
   result = "D-";  
  }else if (20 > z){
   result = "E";
   result = "F";

  document.getElementById("finalz").innerHTML = result;
Marks Calculator

Marks Calculator


Click here to Calculate CA



Click here to Calculate Final Z

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    printf("LAB1 SESSIONS \n\n");
    int sample;
    int exit=0;
    while (sample!=0){
    printf("main menu.. \n");
    printf("1: WELCOME MESSAGE \n");
    printf("2: COMPARE TWO NUMBERS \n");
    printf("3: CHECK GRADE IS PASS/FAIL \n");
    printf("4: AVERAGE OF 10 NUMBERS \n");
    printf("5: DISPLAY SOLID SQUIRE OF *S \n");
    printf("YOU ARE RUNNING SAMPLE %d \n\n",sample);
    switch (sample){
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
    printf("\n\nDO YOU WANT TO EXIT? (YES=1,NO=0)");
    if (exit==1)
        return 0;

    } //end while
    return 0;

int sample1(){
    printf("Welcome to C!\n");
    return 0;


int sample2(){

    int num1,num2;
    printf("enter two intergers and I will tell you \n the relationships they satisfy:");
    printf("TWO NUMBERS ARE: [%d] ,[%d]",num1,num2);
    if (num1 == num2){
        printf("%d is equel to %d\n",num1,num2);
    if (num1 != num2){
        printf("%d is not equel to %d\n",num1,num2);
    if (num1 < num2){
        printf("%d is less than %d\n",num1,num2);
    if (num1 > num2){
        printf("%d is grater than %d\n",num1,num2);

    if (num1 <= num2){
        printf("%d is less than or equel %d\n",num1,num2);
    if (num1 >= num2){
        printf("%d is grater than or equel %d\n",num1,num2);
    return 0;


int sample3(){
    int grade;
    printf("PLEASE ENTER THE GRADE:");
    if (grade > 70)
    return 0;

int sample4(){

    int counter,grade,total,average;
    while (counter<=10){
        printf("enter grade:");
    //end while
    average = total /10;
    printf("Class average is %d\n",average);
    return 0;


int sample5(){

    int x,y;

    return 0;


EfIL is the learn how to make the transition to independent learning. It will make you be better position after the programme.

EfIL is a 3-days workshop with interactive activities guided by the academic staff of the faculty.

  • understand the study method of OUSL
  • How to organize studies with other commitments
  • Group Study
  • Time management
  • Self Motivation

Diploma in Information Systems and Technology

The Diploma in Information Systems and Technology (DIST) is your passport to a highly lucrative career in the IT field. The programme is designed in a way that a student who successfully completes the Diploma can find a placement immediately in the IT industry and earn a Bachelor of Software Engineering Degree (confirming to IEEE/ACM curriculum guidelines) while being employed.

The programme offers a set of carefully designed industry-oriented subjects that closely align with the needs of the industry. Special emphasis has been placed to include strong practical skills as well as soft skills sought by the IT companies.
The programme is delivered through online classes, face-to-face interaction, laboratory sessions and printed course materials. Industry-oriented courses are conducted by experts from the industry.

The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering is the largest department in the Faculty in terms of student numbers. It conducts study programmes leading to the award of
  • Advanced Certificate in Technology,
  • Diploma in Technology in Engineering,
  • Bachelor of Technology in Engineering,  and
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering
Furthermore, the department offers research degrees such as MPhil and PhD. The Department is served by highly qualified dedicated academic and non academic staff. Every year the department produces well qualified graduates. The standard of the final year student projects have been highly praised by the renowned professional bodies such as IESL. Our students have won several awards for their engineering projects in competitions organized by IESL, SLAAS and other universities.
The mission of our undergraduate programmes is to provide a flexible curriculum in fundamental and advanced topics in electrical power, electronics & communications, and computer engineering.